The main goal of the Titanium Program is to support inventive projects that appeared at Gdańsk University of Technology and are highly likely to be implemented on international markets. Under the Program, it is possible to obtain funding to cover the costs of activities aimed at obtaining or extending international legal protection for an invention.
An application for co-financing may be submitted by an employee, doctoral student or student of Gdańsk University of Technology. Only inventive projects to which the University has all or a part of property rights and there are no restrictions as to their commercial application may be submitted to the program.
The Titanium program is a practical complement to the Innovation Incubator program, in which innovative projects can receive funding, among others for the implementation of pre-implementation works, as well as for the analysis of market potential or implementation readiness analyzes.
Funding from the Program
The maximum co-financing of activities is PLN 18,000.00 gross, and the maximum project implementation period is 12 months.
The condition for awarding the grant is the obligation of the entity applying for the grant to cover the costs of obtaining a patent in further procedures (validation costs in selected countries, official fees, etc.)
The eligible costs of the project include:
- costs of patent research (analysis of the state of the art),
- costs of developing documentation for the application of inventions in the international PCT procedure or in the European procedure
- costs of translating the application documentation,
- costs of official fees for the application.
How to apply?
Applications should be submitted to the Center for Knowledge and Technology Transfer in paper and electronic versions to the following address: titanium@pg.edu.pl.
In the course of examining the submitted applications, the Center analyzes the legal conditions and the commercial potential of the invention, and obtains the opinion of the Team of Patent Attorneys at Gdańsk Tech as to the patent potential of the invention.
The proved implementation potential of the invention on foreign markets will be of particular importance in the process of appraising the application by the Evaluation Committee.
The TITANIUM SUPPORTING INTERNATIONAL PATENT APPLICATIONS program is part of the tasks of the IDUB program in the scope of increasing the transfer of knowledge and technology under Action V.5. (Activities increasing the efficiency of technology transfer).
More about the Titanium program