Innovation Incubator 4.0 is a program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, which supports the process of managing the results of scientific research and development works, in particular in the field of commercialization. Financial resources for the implementation of tasks under the program were granted from funds under the non-competitive project "Support for scientific research management and commercialization of R&D results in research units and enterprises", implemented under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020 (Action 4.4) .
The project value is PLN 2,200,000.00, of which the European Funds contribution is PLN 1,900,000.00.
The Program was acquired by a consortium composed of:
- Center for Technology Transfer of Gdańsk University of Technology (leader)
- Excento Ltd.
The aim of the Program is to support entities active in the field of commercialization of the results of scientific research and development works in initiating cooperation of the scientific community with the economic environment and in implementing tasks that will lead to the application of the results of these studies and works on the basis of specific market solutions, in particular entities operating for the dissemination of science.
The Innovation Incubator 4.0 at Gdańsk University of Technology shall undergo the implementation process by the end of 2022, and each project submitted to the program may receive funding up to 100,000. PLN.
The Center for Technology Transfer under the Program offers co-financing to cover the following costs:
- The purchase of laboratory equipment, software and software licenses.
- The purchase of materials and raw materials.
- Research services, expert opinions, analyzes and reports necessary for the proper implementation of the project.
- Costs of domestic and foreign business trips of persons involved in the project implementation.
- Patent protection and consultancy in the field of intellectual property protection, including fees for patent applications.
- Costs of participation in information and promotion activities as part of exhibitions and fairs.
- Market valuation of the technology.
Excento Ltd. under the Program offers help and support in the field of:
- creating a business plan,
- process of establishing a spin-off company (i.a: funding of the legal services, meeting formal requirements when establishing a company and assistance in the process of creating a company agreement)
- securing intellectual property (i.a.: industrial property valuation, state of the art report)
- creating of the business offer, negotiating cooperation agreements or conducting meetings with the economic environment,
- searching for investors,
- promoting of the established spin-off company during trade fairs, in social media and internet portals,
- choosing a business training that allows to explore the subject of entrepreneurship and running your own business.
Brokers of CTT/Excento Ltd. in the course of talks with the research team may also identify other forms of support that will prove effective for the reported research project in the course of pre-implementation works / in the process of establishing a spin-off company.
The procedure for submitting an application and granting project funding under the "Innovation Incubator 4.0":
- Filling in the Project Card with attachments by a researcher of the University.
- Sending the Project Card with attachments to the e-mail address: inkubator.ctwt@pg.edu.pl with the reference in the title of the message "Innovation Incubator 4.0 - project submission"
- Assigning a project supervisor - Innovation Broker (CTT/ Excento employee).
- Analysis of the commercial potential of the project (consultation with a researcher and carrying out a market analysis - contact with business representatives).
- Decision of the Director of the Center for Technology Transfer or the Chairman of the Board of Excento Ltd. on supporting the pre-implementation work of the project and sending it for approval by the Investment Committee of the Innovation Incubator.
- Presentation of the project to the Investment Committee (Broker + researcher).
- Decision of the Investment Committee to approve support for project pre-implementation work/ approval of project support in the process of establishing a spin-off company.
- Purchases in accordance with the project cost estimate and the principles of the Public Procurement Act.