We provide support to the University's research workers in the following areas:
Verification of grant applications on issues related to:
- intellectual property management in the project,
- developing a strategy for the protection of intellectual property,
- establishing business rules for the division and use of intellectual property generated as a result of the project,
- concluding consortium agreements and contracts with industrial partners.
Sharing rights to the results of research work carried out by the University's employees i.e.:
- identification and protection of solutions with innovative potential,
- development of technological offers and promotion of research results,
- searching for industrial partners,
- technology valuation,
- negotiating and concluding sales and license agreements.
Acquiring and handling the implementation of commissioned services (commissioned research, opinions on innovation, expert opinions, technological audits) i.e.:
- assistance in the organization of interdisciplinary executive teams,
- establishing terms and business relationships with the commissioning parties,
- valuation and cost optimization of executed orders,
- preparation of offers,
- negotiation of terms and verification of contracts.
Support in the field of establishing spin-off companies based on the results of the University's research in cooperation with Excento Ltd. i.e.:
- analysis of the innovative potential of the project,
- analysis and support in the field of team organization,
- intellectual property valuation.