Data dodania: 2021-10-14
Webinar nt. ochrony wynalazków: Protection of inventions in Poland and worldwide
Fundacja JWP Pomysł? Patent. Zysk! oraz Biuro Karier PG zaprasza na bezpłatny webinar w języku angielskim, poświęcony zagadnieniom ochrony wynalazków. Spotkanie poprowadzi P. Paulina Młynarska, krajowy i europejski rzecznik patentowy. Webinar odbędzie się 19 października, o godz. 15.00.
We would like to invite students of polytechnic faculties, doctoral students, academic staff of universities, but also entrepreneurs and innovators from start-ups to a free webinar on 19th Oct’21.
Please be with us and get to know how to protect an innovation? What is a patent document? How to use databases during the innovation process? And even more …
15:00 - 16:00 - webinar
16:00 - 16:15 - discussion with expert
Paulina Młynarska - european patent attorney
- Types of intellectual property rights – a brief overview
- How many types of IP rights can protect one product?
- Role and value of patents
- Can every innovation be patented? What is a patent for an invention?
- Structure of a patent document
- What is the difference between an invention and a utility model - differences in the approach to protection
- Who owns a patent?
- How to protect inventions in Poland, and how to do it worldwide?
- Patent databases as a source of knowledge
- Patentability vs. patent clearance
- What if my idea is already patented?
- Who is a patent attorney?
More information:
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